Engine Components
We supply parts direct to clients and other specialists world wide. Many are to our own design having been re-engineered for performance and durability. The Rex J. Woodgate oil pumps are now fitted regularly to many 2.6 and 3.0 litre Aston Martin engines throughout the world, Our extensive parts store contains many original 'unobtainable’ items and re-manufactured parts including gear boxes and distributors. Please give us a call to discuss any part - original or up-rated for performance and racing applications.
We stock many 'off the shelf' items such as spark plugs, oil, fuel and air filters, brake pads and also many competition parts such as ignition cut out switches, fire systems, fuel pumps, race harnesses and many more.
Crank and Timing Chain Sprockets.
Intake and Exhaust Valves, springs and bronze valve guides available to meet individual applications – standard, mildly modified or highly modified.
Rex J. Woodgate designed up-rated Oil Pumps for all 2.6 and 3.0 litre engines to replace inferior original design.
Liners, Pistons and Connecting Rods to your agreed performance specification including special pistons and Carrillo Rods.
Solid Crankshaft Cheeses to replace inferior original design.
Full flow oil filters and oil cooler adapter units.
Exhaust Manifolds – cast or fabricated and heat treated and coated.
Timing Chain Sprockets - for each individual engine application.
We are now producing lightweight flywheels in various formats for 3 & 4 litre motors. We hold stock items for our own high performance steel or standard crankshafts to accept 9 ½” diaphragm or 7 ¼” clutches, with or without integral ring gear.
We would be happy to quote for any other option you may require.
We can supply Cam Shafts to meet any performance requirement and our racing record shows that our engines deliver both speed and longevity
Our special Crankshaft specifications and Solid Cheeses have proved very successful for many clients, either on the road or track.
We will be pleased to discuss your requirements regarding Cylinder Head setup including gas flowing and valve seat inserts for lead free petrol.